Sunday, January 26, 2014

The avoided "selfie"

I'm not a fan of "selfies". I think they're poorly executed and done way too much. I'm tired of hearing the word, like I'm sick of hearing about Justin Bieber. The angles are bad, the quality is crappy at best, and no one looks good with the duck pout thing. I see selfies on Facebook and think "do you seriously think you look GOOD in that photo?!" I wish I could do people a favor and remove it.

So now you're probably thinking I'm a snot. And when it comes to photos I am, because I'm a photographer and I've been trained to look at things like angles and posing and little details. I strive to make people look good. I try to make the good look better and hide the perceived flaws.

I admit I tried to take a selfie once (over a year ago) because I thought I was looking pretty hot that day and my husband was missing out (he was deployed at the time) and I wanted him to remember how nice I could look. I was disappointed with the outcome and I don't remember if I even sent it to him. I never tried another selfie again, not with my iphone or my professional camera.

Today, as many days happen to go for me, I was humbled and taught a good lesson. I watched a video clip a friend shared on Facebook, which I rarely do:

I realized a selfie isn't about good angles and composition and flattering lighting. Its about being confident in ones own beauty. Its about sharing how you feel at that moment. Its about trusting in the people who really love you and find you beautiful, flaws and all.

I feel beautiful because I have a wonderful husband who tells me I am. But sometimes I lack the confidence in capturing that in a single image and sharing it with the world. If I can't make myself look good in a photograph how can I do that for others? (I won't let someone with bad hair cut and style my hair)

I think its time I schedule me for a photo session and SEE the beauty for myself.

This is the "selfie" I thought was bad. What do you think?

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