Monday, September 10, 2012

Frans Lemmons- artist

So apparently I am totally into travel photography because that is what is appealing to me right now. And I found a new favorite photographer! Her name is Frans Lemmons (website: and her images are amazing!

I loved the work by Steve McCurry, still do, but I am in love with Frans' work. First of all, I am totally jealous of the traveling she gets to do. And she seems to be able to get into these cool places, mix right into local culture and get great shots. Being able to communicate and settle right in with people is a great skill for photographers, one I need to develop. She must have interpreters, but even so body language is a big factor. Anyways, she must have amazing people skills!

So this is my favorite of her landscape photos (Iceland). I am obsessed with getting the water soft and flowy like this and it takes patience and skill to do it right. I know because I have tried and have only been slightly lucky. Having a tripod is essential too....

This is my favorite of her people images because I'm a mom and I loved moments like this with my kids when they were little. Look at how happy she is, despite having very few clothes and carrying this huge sack on her head. It reminds me that we are all children of God and being a parent is a special privilege and source of joy, no matter where we live or what our circumstances are.

I like this image simply because its so freaking cool. How often does this happen and you're there with a camera? The colors are vibrant and I love the horse especially. He almost looks fake. And I just want to know where they are and why they are in the water. If a picture makes you wonder, its a story.

I may not get to travel much, but I am surrounded by people and they have a smile to share and a story to tell, I just need to figure out how to get it out of them. Frans Lemmons is one of the few people I would love to meet and ask "how did you do it?"

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