Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jennifer Silverberg- artist

We had a 2nd guest speaker come to our class last week (yes, I should have written about her sooner but I'm busy!) and she was wonderful! She was extremely engaging and her work is fantastic. She is currently doing freelance photography, but a lot is food photography, which interests me for obvious reasons ( I LOVE to cook in case its not obvious). So many of her photos I recognize from local editorial pieces that I peruse in restaurants and when I was managing the Gumbo Shop. Just now I went to her blog and saw the pieces she made about an underground restaurant. I remember seeing them in the article and thinking how cool they were. I remember thinking how tough it must have been to photograph there because its dark and underground. So yeah I'm on cloud 9 because I actually met her!

Jennifer is also a "self-taught" photographr, which is an inspiration to me. The opportunity to meet Jennifer and see her work has made me more passionate about photography. Maybe when I am done with school I can look into an internship with someone like Jennifer Silverberg!

I'll post a few pictures from the underground restaurant, but look at her blog or website for more!



She has also done amazing work for River Front Times (see her bio for details) and you can see her photos here:


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