Friday, October 19, 2012

Paul Gregory Newman- Artist

So in class this week our teacher mentions Paul Newman as one of those photographers "you have to know about". I googled him and I got pages and pages of the actor/humanitarian Paul Newman, but I didn't think that was the right guy. I added photographer to his name and found his website

His bio is "coming soon" and I can't find anything else about him online, so I have nothing personal to share about him. And maybe its just because I'm technologically challenged, but his site is hard to navigate and there isn't much on it. He does black & white and there is a body of work about "Bikers for Christ". I admit I have a bit of an amusing opinion of them. I'm not going to get religious on my blog, but I find the concept insincere and mocking Christ. I choose to laugh at it instead of getting offended. Looking through Newman's images of one particular group I was pleasantly surprised that they seemed to be serious about it. The perspective that Newman chose to photograph shows a softer side of bikers and I especially liked his images of their hands, simply placed on someones back while they pray.

The images are also very detailed, which I find worthy to mention because they are in black and white and of people who wear a lot of black. I have never used a black and white camera, but its not as easy as I thought to take a digital color image and make it black and white and keep the detail and balance of shadows and highlights. I need some practice and Newman's images are a good example of what I can aim for.