Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hungry Planet- artist/book

My photography professor, Kate, loaned me this book to flip through and I am just loving it! It's called "Hungry Planet", by Peter Menzel and Faith D'Aluisio, and its about what families around the world eat, how they cook it, the space they cook and eat in, etc. I love exploring food from other cultures and I often have phases of what country I am trying out. Steve will be home in 3 weeks and Afghani food will probably be my next phase...

But anyways, this book was an eye opener for me. I think I had a more glamorous vision of where some of this food I am trying out comes from than what is reality. The authors made a point regarding the gluttony of Americans compared to other countries. As I look at the images, read the notes, and see the cost comparisons I am ashamed of how much we waste here. I have taken the opportunity to make a variety of food and eat in abundance for granted. I have a big clean kitchen (most of the time) to cook in, proper storage methods and I don't have to eat off the floor. I am seeing food in a whole new way...

As far as the images go, they are documentary in nature. They aren't meant to be creative, but informational and they do a great job serving that purpose. That doesn't mean they are dull and don't have any character, because the photographers have done a superb job in the details. Some follow the same format so there is a smooth flow through the book, but there is variety within that format that draws the eye in. The images are colorful and clear (some are a bit hazy but that is from the nature of the environment). I like the images that show the environment the families live in because that tells me a lot in addition to the food itself. I also like the portrait work of individuals gathering food, cooking and eating. There is a lot to enjoy and I'm adding the book to my wish list.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I tried to post a comment for you here, but it duplicated it and when I tried to delete one of them it erased both. There is a ghost in the machine I guess. Sorry if there is some big mess of emails that come through.

    What I said was,... I am so glad you enjoyed the book. I am really fascinated by this topic.
