Friday, February 14, 2014

Jerry Tovo

They May Have Been Heroes- A Nations call to honor the dishonored
By Jerry Tovo

Last year my family visited the St Louis History Museum (which is awesome so go if you can) and there was a special photography exhibit by Jerry Tovo. He spent a year traveling the US to photograph and document the stories of homeless and impoverished veterans. I was astounded by his images and how they made me feel. My husband is a USMC veteran and we've been blessed beyond our expectations since his discharge. Another family member is also a USMC veteran, however,  he has struggled like so many other veterans. He had to seek a new career and struggles with depression. Life has been rough and after 14 years he still can't get all the benefits he is entitled to. So Tovo's images hit home you could say.

Military life is a sacrifice and not for the faint at heart. And those willing to make that sacrifice shouldn't have to struggle so much in and out of active duty. There are organizations out there trying to support our veterans and they need our help. I appreciate Tovo's images because I think they will help Americans feel compassion and a sense of duty to help the men and women who sacrificed for each of us.

The images themselves are exceptional and remind me of the work by a past classmate, Jon Slade. The contrast is high and the facial features detailed. Its not a glamour shot, but an honest look into how harsh life can be. Check out the website and DO something about helping our nations Heroes.

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