Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Richard Tuschman

I searched for photographs inspired by paintings and found this site:

Richard Tuschman created photographs, inspired by Edward Hopper's paintings, by making a diorama large enough for his cat to fit in then taking photos of his models with a grey background and photoshopping them into the diorama. This is why the furniture has a "dollhouse" feel to it. 

The images are dreamy and the light is beautiful, the way it falls across the room or the subject. Tuschman says “The general mood in my work is more somber, and the lighting is less harsh than in Hopper’s.”

I sought out this kind of work because I am contemplating a similar project for this semester. I don't want to copy the paintings, but use them as inspiration for a more realistic/modern day version. With this on my mind the following from the above referenced article stuck out to me:
"Although the first image he created (Hotel by Railroad, 2012) set out to replicate a Hopper painting, the more he worked on the series, the less he wanted to create duplicates. “The more I did them, Hopper became more of an inspiration rather than something to copy,” he said."

I also want a project that will challenge me and require some thought and intentional planning. It will be difficult to get the required 20 images, but as Richard Tuschman says, “If it doesn’t take me a long time, it’s really not worthwhile.” 

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